Sunday, August 31, 2008

Road side repairers.

This is not an open grave!
These road side repairers are all along the side of the main road up our end of the valley. They have a ready market up this way due to the state of the roads once you leave Av. Independencia, the main road up the valley. The rocks and ruts play havoc with all parts of your vehicle, especially the mufflers. Even the infernal speed humps send you crazy. They are strategically placed to make sure you stay within reasonable speed limits. They may also be in place to ensure that you need weekly chiropractic treatment!
First of all find a suitable spot and dig yourself an inspection pit, it is far easier welding standing up! The white powder you can see is used as a form of flux while welding. The concrete blocks are a constant reminder of the terrorist times. They were placed to try and protect the electricity supply. One of the favourite tricks of the Shining Path was to destabilise the area by causing massive blackouts.
You need a ready supply of reconditioned mufflers. They could be the ones that were cut off yesterday, repaired and given a nice coat of blue paint!
There are always plenty of willing helpers ready to offer advice about the job at hand!