Saturday, September 6, 2008

Building report - 6th September.

We visited the site this morning and would you believe there is still ‘mucho niebla’ – much fog! The locals still say that October will be sunny, we are almost there!
All the external brickwork is almost complete. However, there was no action today mainly due to freshly poured foundations and columns. I believe the next stage being the boxing and pouring of a reinforced concrete beam on top of the brickwork all the way around the building.
Thank heavens Marion did not do her usual cake trick for the workers, it would have to have been brought home for us to eat!
This is the front of the building and the main entrance is on the right.

Standing in the main community area and looking towards the kitchen and servery window.
Looking from the kitchen back into the main community area.

The toilet and storage areas at the rear of the building.
A view of one of the side walls from the rear of the building to the front.