Monday, August 25, 2008

Now for the Montenegro parish bingo.

Welcome to the Montenegro parish grand bingo. It did not seem as big as the Motupe bingo, nevertheless, the crowd seemed to have just as much fun.
The hot food stall is always a winner - you are able to purchase varying combinations of chicken, spaghetti, potatoes and rice all covered with 'hot' salsa.
The Panchos, or sausage sizzle, took a fair time to get going and Jeny seems to be the only one doing any work! I know for sure that the lads spent hours trying to get the fire going and I would hate to think how much kerosene was used in the process.
The crowd really took to Tombolo. You buy a ticket and that number corresponds with your prize. The Sisters from the local Fe y Alegria College organised this activity and apparently they receive wonderful financial support from the other Fe y Alegria Colleges around Lima. This allows them to build up a terrific array of prizes - and once again all for S/- 1.00.
Carlos calls those elusive numbers.
As expected the crowd built as the afternoon went on, remember the better prizes are last to be drawn. Padre Jovito, he is the one in the yellow short sleeves, does not look too impressed with his numbers!