Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Building report - 27th August.

Every day we go up to view the work at Pedregal Alto the fog seems to be thicker, this shot was taken at the exact same place as those I took and added to the blog on 14th August!
This little girl appeared from the thick fog, checked us both out and then disappeared again!
The 'brickies' have begun their work on one of the side walls of the main community area.

All the workers were going flat out until Marion arrived with the freshly baked banana cake and Inca Cola!
The wheelbarrow man has finished filling in the kitchen area.

The third section of the building is taking shape, the toilet block on top and a storage area below. The steel reinforcing rods are all individually wired together. As soon as this is finished and the foundations are poured then they will begin to fill in this space - again by barrow!