Friday, August 29, 2008

Our second round of lessons come to an end.

Last night we completed the second round of lessons, another three months have flown by and the supper and certificates were prepared for the night.
When we began this second group on 27th May we had fourty-four names registered as interested persons. In reality we presented twenty certificates and our average nightly attendance over the three months was fourteen! Nevertheless, all who attended seemed to benefit from the experience of coming to grips with basic conversational English.
I can personally understand their difficulties as I continue to endeavour to come to grips with basic Spanish!

Our last lesson gets under way with both class work and small group work. All of our students loved the small group work, especially when they were pitted against other groups in competition mode!
For your interest some of the basic topics we initially cover in the thirty six lessons are the alphabet, numbers, alphabetical order, days, weeks, months, colours, signs and symbols. We then move onto conversations based on questions and answers, responding to simple instructions, short conversations based on specific topics, shared readings and the basic principles of grammar. All of the time we are stressing two aspects of the course - look and listen.

This group contained two ‘family affairs’, the first was the brother and sister combination of Carolina and Hector and the second being a mother, father, daughter combination of Yolanda, Marco and Trinidad in the grey top. All these five people were very regular members of the class.

Some of the certificates being proudly displayed by the individual recipients. They were presented by one of our Columban priests from the Motupe Montenegro parish area, Father Jovito. Moving from left to right in both we have in the top photo William, Jessica, Evelyn, Lupe, Maritza, Carolina and almost Shirly. Below we can see Yolanda, Marco, Hector, Mari and David.
Marion prepares the supper in readiness for the arrival of the class while William and Jessica proudly show off their certificates.

The cake, Peruvians seem to love these massive, coloured cream covered sponge cakes. The bigger, the better! The dreaded Inca Cola has also made an appearance, another love of people especially when served at room temperature.
Supper is served.