Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our local area.

The large water tank in the background is one of many dotted all around the sides of the valley, these were constructed by SEDEPAL, Lima’s water authority.
A commitment was made in the past to ensure that all the people of Lima had access to water. This commitment was made by Alain Garcia prior to him winning the national election in 2006. The water may arrive by one of two ways - piped or water truck.
However, if you happen to be living higher than either the tank or the access roads the water trucks use then you will still have some lifting and carrying to do!
Sometimes I find it very difficult to photograph the living conditions of the local people; it seems to me to be rather intrusive. Yet how will it be ever possible to describe what you see if you do not take the occasional photo in order to try and make others aware of how people do live – and survive in this area.

You get some sort of an indication of what I mean when you look at the above four photos. You must also remember that the weather over the last few months has been absolutely miserable, constant fog, drizzle and mud!