Saturday, August 30, 2008

Some of the rocket lads.

I have found some at last; these are some of the culprits who constantly send off these exploding rockets night and day. These boys appeared at today’s Santa Rosa feast day Mass. They had followed one of the many processions which arrived for the Mass and while on their way they were continually setting off these mini explosions. All part of the celebrations!
The trouble is they use them for all forms of celebrations – feast days, birthdays, weddings, baptisms, you name it. And the time of day or night seems to be of little consequence.
I suppose I have to admit that after a few months you tend to get used to the noise! I also need to reflect on what I was like at their age because I don't think the actual time made any difference to us.

Their plan of attack is simple, one carries the rockets and the other looks after the matches and the rocket launcher - an empty beer bottle. The Dog? Well you just hope that it gets its timing right and departs the launch pad before it is too late!
The boys cannot wait until Mass is over and then they can get to work again!