Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The tale of two tanks.

Stage one on any building site around here is to make sure that you have an ample supply of water. That normally means that you either build a concrete lined brick tank or gather together as many empty drums that you can lay your hands on and place them on site.

The builders of the Pedregal Alto comedor chose the former and constructed a brick tank approximately three metres by two metres and two metres deep – that is a lot of water when full, well over ten thousand litres! As you can see by the weather it was not a really good drying day so when they decided to fill their new tank you can guess what happened – it disintegrated!

They have now built ‘Mark II’ on a slightly different base and are still waiting for the cement to completely dry out before filling this one!

These are the trucks that are constantly winding their way around the area filling up tanks; they carry two types of water, one for domestic use and the other for construction. And by the way it is not free!