Friday, November 14, 2008

Our visit to the biohuerto.

The biohuerto, vegetable garden or small farm, of Cangallo.
Yesterday we decided to take a walk to Mick’s vegetable garden; possibly I should have said a ‘climb’ to the vegetable garden. As you can see by the background of some of the photos we were high up the side of the valley. He has developed a remarkable terraced garden virtually on the top of a hill. His efforts are also supported by a number of the local women and children. The produce all goes to support the comedors, the kitchens which supply meals for the children. However, Mick did mention that all too often they give the food to “Padre”! They must think that he looks starved!
Resting up after the ascent to the garden.
Two of the younger members of the weekly working bee. For the reader’s benefit our house is at the rear of the large building in the background which is right behind the top of little girl’s head.
Marion watering the garden while hiding behind the crop of corn. The pumpkin, lettuce, onions and other herbs are all doing well. Mick has also planted sweet potato, parsnip and beetroot. He did mention that the locals have no idea of what to do with the parsnip – so we took a handful home and roasted them, delicious!
Many hands make light work when it comes to planting out beetroot seedlings, however, the young lad in yellow proved to be a handful, especially when he got his hands on the hose!