Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Building report - 18th November.

One of the main doors ready for installation – plus the shiny new triple lock!

A brief report from Pedregal Alto shows that the steel door and window frames are all presently being installed, the glass will follow shortly. When the doors are all in place they will be able to lock-up the building and only then will they install light fittings.
The next big day for the Pedregal Alto centre will be the inauguration and this is planned for 14th December. The locals have already begun to plan for that day, and for the celebrations that will follow!
From the kitchen looking through the servery into the main area. Note the concrete benches that will eventually be tiled.

I have often wondered why they do not insert the metal braces or lugs into the wall before concreting rather than chipping the concrete away at the end. Check the top left hand corner. The frames are welded onto these pieces of metal.

Room with a view! Looking from the main room out over Pedregal Alto.