Thursday, September 18, 2008

The surrounds of Pedregal Alto.

Now that the sun has returned once again to the valley you get a fairly good impression of what it is like living at Pedregal Alto. There is no real demand for such garden items as lawn mowers and hedge clippers! However, the odd bulldozer may come in handy.
In the top photo there is another major valley over the range in the background, that particular valley leads to Tarma and right to the edge of the Amazon jungle. Apparently it is planned that a major road will link Pedregal Alto and this other valley. Somebody did mention that the President, Alain Garcia, has land around here, amazing!
Footnote: Today we created a record, twelve passengers in a Mazda station wagon 'taxi'! Three in the front seat, four, including yours truly, in the next seat and five in the back, including Marion! And all paying customers, a windfall for the driver.