Sunday, March 2, 2008

Where we shop.

Teofila lives next door to us and operates her little stall six days a week on the corner, twenty meters from our front door. We get really nice fruit from her, especially the mangoes. If we need a cold bottle of soft drink she normally comes good, although you have to remember to take the empties back.
The other day Marion baked scones so Teofila had to get some! Marion's scone making service is still alive and well.
Teofila also keeps an eye on everything that comes and goes in the area.

This market area is on the side of the highway just down the bottom of the hill from our place.
We shop here for odds and ends - some fruit and veg, water, soft drink, paper, cardboard, etc, etc.
I even found some thongs to wear around the house.
We have not yet reached the stage of buying fish down there although Marion did get a 'lump' of meat and then stewed the living hell out of it! The end result was not too bad.

Marion loves their red hot peppers and chillis!

The final, and by far most important, port of call is Metro, a once a week adenture. About nine to ten bone jarring kms. down the highway in a bus. This place is huge and you can just about get anything you like - we purchased our computer printer here, though you can't get a car! There are fifty five checkouts when they are all operating! Costs us one sol each to get there, one sol is about fourty cents, and twelve soles to get home by taxi. We normally need a taxi after we have purchased a twenty litre pack of water and visited the licenced section for other liquid refreshments! The service is fantastic, there are staff everywhere, almost too many. When you get fruit, veg, meat, etc. you have to take it to an area where it is weighed and bar coded. You cannot get through the checkout without all items being bar coded. Marion would suggest that shopping here is very similar to Australia when you start to talk prices. However, we would not risk meat and fish from our little local markets! Because of such prices the people who live around us would not normally shop at Metro, could not afford to. They may work there, but not shop there.