Friday, March 7, 2008

We have our garden!

A reminder of how it all began, rocks and bare dirt, not even soil.
After three trips to the Acoh plant and flower market everything began to fall into place.

At last the grass and plants are all in place, all we need now is growth. Our herb pots seem to be suffering attacks from some very small moth or butterfly, they love the basil. The trouble is so do Marion and I!

Don't you love the touch with the deck chair, hat and sun glasses.

We have three different crocus plants in the back right hand corner and they add special colour. They also love being hand wiped every day, it is the only way to keep the dust from choking them to death.

I have no idea what we will do when the grass grows to a height that will need trimming, maybe down on the hands and knees and out with the scissors.

Finally, it would be remiss of me not to mention the fact that if I ever wrote a book about our time in Lima one chapter would have to relate how we managed to get eight meters of lawn -that is thirty two slabs of grass - eight bags of soil, a few extra pots and plants and Marion and I into a taxi! Well the sign on the front window said it was a taxi. He put the back seat down and that is where I sat with the grass, soil and plants. Marion had the luxury of the front seat. He tied his front door shut with a piece of string! I am certain he had no clutch judging by the noise each gear change made. At one speed hump he managed to get the front wheels over, however, no such luck with the back ones, he simply rolled back down the road and had another try! We violently over heated half way home so he just added more water. I had a bet with Marion that we would not make it home, I still do not know how she won the bet. The final touch was that I could watch the road through a hole in the floor! I am certain that there is no such thing as a road worthy test in Lima!

After helping us unpack we gave him a tip, a drink of cold lemonade and even filled his water bottle for him and he happily headed off back down the highway. They are truly amazing and wonderful people to be with.