Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A visit to the doctor and then an X Ray.

Sorry no photos concerning this little episode, especially the X Ray clinic! We decided, rather it was decided for me - think what you like - that I required a visit to the doctor in order to get another opinion regarding my right shoulder. In case you are wondering it is still very sore and sometimes affects my right hand. However, have no fear it is not life threatening! The Chilean doctor attached to the Parish Center on the southern edge of Mick's area was extremely nice and spoke good English. After much questioning however it was decided that humidity is not helping my cause, my weight could be less and that there was no place for alcohol in my diet thus I left rather down downcast in spirit. It was also decided that an X Ray may help, I thought X Rays were for bone problems and that an ultrasound may prove more beneficial. Mind your own business Luke.
We then took ourselves off to the X Ray clinic and were immediately told that it could be a half hour wait - in Lima we have learnt to be very wary of phrases such as that. With that in mind Marion and I thought that early next morning would be preferable.
Back there this morning right on time, we were the only people in the waiting area surrounded by numerous images of the development of babies in their mothers' wombs as well as various takes of the human brain - all these visuals made me whisper a prayer of thanks that I was only here for a shoulder shot! Sorry there were others in the room, two radiographers watching the early morning soapies. When it was time for me to enter the actaul X Ray room I thought it best to leave my watch behind. I could cope with possibly getting green hair, howere, losing a good watch to rampant X Rays proved too much to think about. The table I lay on was firm at the best, the decor sparse and the actual machine had definitely seen better days. The fellow taking the shots was not built for speed so after a reasonable period of time he had managed three takes of the offending limb - we were then told to come back later this afternoon to collect the results. All for forty soles, about $18AUS. And at this stage still no sign of green hair, will keep you informed!