Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The tradition continues.

The Guthrie tradition had to continue, there was absolutely no reason at all why we could not have an Easter egg hunt! It has been going on non-stop for years in our family and I can safely say that the tradition remains unbroken.

In the top photo the Easter guests are from the left - Clare, Jacinta, Marg, Marie, the Rabbit, Roxana, yours truly and Napa.
Jacinta and Marie are Irish Sisters with a French Order, Clare, Marg and Roxana are Josephite Sisters and Napa is a Tongan Columban priest. Roxana is a young Peruvian novice with the Josephites.

The guests could not believe their luck when they were led into the 'backyard', the search was frantic and luckily no foul play was reported to the referee although the field of action was limited.

The hunt is over, the guests relax and await the news from the kitchen.

The news from the kitchen is all good - marinated Argentinian steak, roast pork and crackling, potatoes in alfoil, asparagus wrapped with rosemary and proscuitto and finally tomato and onion pie for starters. This was followed by fruit salad and icecream cake - and the mandatory Easter eggs!

All of the above would not have occurred had not Marion rung El Chinito - the Chinaman - to order more gas. He arrived on his motor bike laden with both full and empty gas bottles moments after hanging up the phone, not bad service for 30 Soles - about $12 AUS.

The final highlight for our guests was the Google Earth search for their homes - all over the world! At times it almost proved to be a little emotional for some to see their home town, their own street and even their actual home.

At the end of the day, to say the least, the guests were sent home extremely satisfied with Easter 2008.