One of the greatest compliments the ladies of Cayara can offer you is a meal of one of their precious cuy – guinea pig. However, it can be a little disconcerting viewing them living happily in their enclosures and knowing full well that they are the next meal for everyone.
Our special meal was prepared for us over a wood fire in their outside ‘kitchen’.
The plate could be described as ‘cuy frito con papas, espinaca y limon salsa’ – fried guinea pig with potatoes, spinach and lemon sauce. It looks really good if you can overcome looking at the little claws! At least there was no head served up on this one.
Both Marion and Anne think it is wonderful, I tend to be very polite and tackle only a very small portion and offer the rest to my immediate neighbours.
Marco, the son of one of the nurses who travelled with us, tucks in with fingers and all. They say the best way to eat them is with your fingers, personally I think the best way is to let others eat them!