Saturday, June 28, 2008

The pueblo of Vinchos.

On the Saturday morning we took the morning collectivo from one of the many local ‘bus depots’ to Vinchos, about one and a half hours from Ayacucho depending on the number of pick-ups and drop offs. The Columban Sisters have a house in the main square of this little pueblo which is situated in a rather idyllic river valley. Their house is on the left of the three green arches.

We stayed that night with Sr. Anne Carbon in their house. We were upstairs on the left.

On the Saturday afternoon Vinchos played a team from Ayacucho on the Vinchos ‘home ground’ but only after the cattle and pigs were moved on. What they left behind did not seem to worry the players too much. The crowd ambled down to witness the game and the score line of one all at the end seemed to please both sides.

We spent the next few hours wandering the small streets and laneways talking to the locals. It was something special – added to the ever growing list of ‘something special’.
The night was freezing and four heavy alpaca blankets combined with socks did the trick.However, it was still up at six to the sound of the ancient church bell for a very early lay led liturgy and Communion.

They see a priest in Vinchos only two or three times a year.
On both the way out and back we noticed the very innovative way they thresh their wheat. Spread it neatly on the road and let the traffic do the rest. At the end of the day they gather up the stalks and then sweep up the grain in between the passing cars, buses and trucks.

We said our goodbyes and left with great memories of Vinchos and the work of the Columban Sisters.