Thursday, June 12, 2008

Homeless and lonely.

Another reality shock to simply add to the long list we have already experienced. Right opposite our front door there is a vacant block of land which seems to have the ability to gather all forms of rubbish. Sometimes people fossick through the mess in order to find something which may bring them a little money – plastic bottles, cardboard, glass, drink cans and any other forms of metal.
The other day we realised to our horror that an old man lives on this block and has made his bed behind the pile of stones in the back corner as shown in the photo. He has no access to either clean water or a toilet; he has very little privacy if any at all. He shuffles off each day to get something to eat or drink and then returns at night. You also have to realise that it has become very cold at night and over the last few days intermittent drizzle has been falling. So the whole area is now quite damp.
So you may ask what do you do? Do you offer food, money, clothing or blankets? One thing is certain when it is right on your front doorstep it is impossible to do nothing.