Saturday, June 7, 2008

The knife sharpener.

For a couple of weeks we have noticed a knife sharpener working in our small mercardo in and around the meat and chicken stalls and every time we see him we remind ourselves that we should get our old knives brought back to life. His name is Alejandro and his sharpener is made up of an old steel wheel, bicycle bits and driven by pedal power. I can assure you that the black lead you can see is not used to plug into a nearby power point!
This morning Marion approached him and told him that she will bring our knives down for him to work on. Lo and behold he followed Marion up the hill for a 'home visit'! For S/-4 he sharpened the four knives to an extremely dangerous edge.
I asked him if I could take a photo and he obliged as long as he could get a copy of the shot! Thank heavens for instant downloading and a coloured printer. You should have seen his face when we presented him with the print. I nearly charged him S/-4 for the copy, that may have removed the smile!