Thursday, January 1, 2009

Feliz Año Nuevo.

Feliz Año Nuevo – Happy New Year
The local people told us that if we thought celebrating the arrival of Christmas Day was rowdy just wait and see what happens when New Years Day ticks over.
We were not disappointed. It would have to have been the loudest and longest celebrations I have ever come across. The fireworks started intermittently early evening and then built up to the most sustained barrage lasting for almost forty-five minutes around midnight. Even as I write this blog around six in the morning an occasional explosion shatters the morning. ‘Shatters’ is a good term because I do not know what the actual sizes the fireworks manufacturers make and sell but they must be king size! I honestly believed the house rattled every now and then!
Looking down our road, please forgive the poor camera focus, it may have something to do with a shaking hand every time another 'bomb' exploded, however, you get a good idea of what was happening.
Next morning with the smoke and gun powder haze everywhere in the air.
We went outside at midnight and the whole area resembled a war zone, fires had been lit up and down the street, people running around and fireworks exploding everywhere. One strange thing we noticed was that over here the dogs seemed accustomed to the noise, not like back home.
Looking up the road from our front door.
Same view next morning.

In Lima yellow is the traditional colour for New Year and it began last night with this young man wearing a yellow T-shirt, yellow neck decoration and a yellow hat. Marion and I are prepared for today with our yellow ensembles!