Sunday, December 14, 2008

Aldino is moved on!

Remember this picture?

On the 12th June this year I wrote about the old man who lives opposite our house behind a pile of rock. We think that his name is Aldino. He shelters under a sheet of blue plastic when the weather is too cold and miserable. Marion even gave him blankets on two different occasions; however, some drunken youths stole them both.

Yesterday three or four men arrived in a small truck piled with bits and pieces of old furniture, lengths of timber and some flat wooden panels. While Aldino was away, they piled up his miserable belongings from behind the rocks, pulled down his plastic sheet and deposited everything right outside our front verandah. They then spent all day erecting a fence around the block of land. I presume they are either the owners of the land or have been employed by them to build the fence.
What happened to Aldino? Well he sat for most of the day under the trees outside, he also had some soup that someone had offered him. And when he eventually began to ‘pack’ Marion organised a bag for his meagre belongings as well as a fresh pair of socks and a pair of sneakers. He had previously been wearing two right-footed shoes with no laces!

He has moved on, where to? Who knows, possibly another vacant block somewhere nearby. It seems that he just wants to be left alone, his privacy is important to him.