Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Certificate presentation.

The happy group with their certificates are from the rear left - Pilar, Maria Teresa, Juana, Roxana, Rubi, Marion and Father Mick while in the front are Joao, Galdys and Rubi's son Willi.

Last Monday evening we presented our first group with certifiactes recognising the fact that they had completed a certain number of hours studying conversational English. The actual certificate also outlined the course content that we have been following over the thirty six lessons. To say that 'our students' were thrilled would be the understatement of the year! Each had their name individually printed, the signatures of Father Mick McKinnon, Marion and myself and stamped with the Motupe/Montenegro Parish seal. The people here treasure documents such as these so we made a big effort to support them and present them with something of value.
We have offered this group the opportunity to come to our house every Monday evening from now till the end of the year in order to develop their conversational English skills even further.
Marion and I have come to realise that it is not necessarily the importance of the langauge skills that they have gained but rather their growth in confidence and self esteem. They have come to the realisation of their personal worth as they have gained more confidence in themselves.