Thursday, February 7, 2008

February 2008.

The little chapels up in the valleys get more interesting and fascinating with each visit. Last Sunday we attended Mass in a ‘fold out’ chapel. The wooden building sat in the middle of a rocky piece of land and the two garage type doors opened out to cater for the crowd. While Mick said Mass breakfast was being served from huge pots for those who were attending a later meeting later in the morning. Mick told us the story relating to the actual blessing of this chapel – on the morning of the blessing the locals were seen scurrying down from the surrounding hills with the iron for the roof, needless to say Mick did not wait for the roof to happen but rather blessed the building roofless!
Even a superb sunset can alter the appearance of Canto Grande, however, it never lessens the traffic noise.
Our 'backyard' garden begins after another trip to Acho. Our load of plants, pots and eight bags of soil even took its toll on the taxi - it virtually blew up two kilometers from home. After thirty minutes of dodgy electrical wiring we finally made it to our door.
Yesterday we caught up with Sister Anne Carbon, a Columban Sister working out of Ayacucho in the mountains. We met in the Plaza de Armas of central Lima for lunch and then watched this unbelievable parade of the local people dancing in the various regional costumes, the music and colour had to be seen to be believed.
You may have also noticed that nobody, and I mean nobody, crosses the road to get a closer look or photo of the Changing of the Palace Guard. There were even tanks parked nearby!
The first week of lessons is now completed and all seems to be working rather well. The class numbers fluctuate from night to night, however, we do have a core group of six or seven who will be regular attendees and their English skills are not too bad. The two hours fly by as we hit them with activity after activity. We smiled to each other during one of our preparation lessons when we realized how lucky we are, three two hour lessons a week and hours of free time to prepare charts, diagrams and activities, they love bingo and have real fun when playing a game.
Well the second week of lessons is now complete and we are averaging fifteen per night with a core group of eight every night. The have made great progress and seem to be enjoying themselves, they love playing bingo based on the key words we are learning at the time and last night Marion even taught them the Hokey Pokey!